Welcome to this simple site which features classical music from Utah’s past, including some from the 1800s. Many of these compositions were found in vintage sheet music, and others in various online archives. To browse that section of the site please use the links near the top of the page, or click here.
Many (but not all) of these pieces include recordings. Some are audio-only recordings, and others have the music as part of a video. That is for practical reasons, as stashing videos on YouTube and linking to them works nicely, even if the video element is secondary to the music.
The recordings included here are a mixed bag. Some were done by live musicians especially for this site, others were made by using synthesized musical instruments, and a few were taken from live concerts or broadcasts.
Another section/page of this site includes a list of some of my own original musical projects, including recent compostitions along with a few arrangements. (Note: Recordings for more of these may be added gradually over the next few months.)
My original music on this site is all protected by copyright, as is standard under the laws of the USA. For the video productions which include a mixture of older music and new video or graphics, ownership rights are mixed. When I include content from others it is because I have obtained the rights to use them through licensing, or believe them to be “Public Domain” or “Fair Use” status items or situations, meaning they are legal to use in this way. If you have reason to dispute that, please just let me know.
Sample posters from past concerts of the Salty Cricket Composers Collective as part of their ongong efforts to promote locally sourced, artisinal, bespoke, free-range and hand-crafted classical music.